Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "compressive strength"

"compressive strength" - traduction Allemand

Des correspondances précises

compressive strength
compression strength
noun | Substantiv s

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  • Druckfestigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    compression strength
    Druckkraftfestigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    compression strength
    compression strength
[kəmˈprest]adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • komprimiert, zusammengepresst, -gedrückt, verdichtet
    compressed condensed
    compressed condensed
  • gedrängt
    compressed styleet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    compressed styleet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • zusammengedrückt
    compressed botany | BotanikBOT
    compressed botany | BotanikBOT
  • schmal, abgeplattet
    compressed zoology | ZoologieZOOL
    compressed zoology | ZoologieZOOL
[kəmˈpreʃən]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Zusammenpressenneuter | Neutrum n, -drückenneuter | Neutrum n
    compression condensing, pressure
    Verdichtungfeminine | Femininum f
    compression condensing, pressure
    Druckmasculine | Maskulinum m
    compression condensing, pressure
    compression condensing, pressure
  • Zusammendrängungfeminine | Femininum f
    compression figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    compression figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • Stauchungfeminine | Femininum f
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH steam pressureet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    Druckmasculine | Maskulinum m
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH steam pressureet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH steam pressureet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • Kompressionfeminine | Femininum f
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH in internal combustion engine
    Verdichtungfeminine | Femininum f
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH in internal combustion engine
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH in internal combustion engine
  • Druckspannungfeminine | Femininum f, -beanspruchungfeminine | Femininum f
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH compression stress or load
    compression engineering | TechnikTECH compression stress or load

  • Kraftfeminine | Femininum f
    strength physical power
    Kräfteplural | Plural pl
    strength physical power
    strength physical power
  • Kraftfeminine | Femininum f
    strength ability
    Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength ability
    Vermögenneuter | Neutrum n
    strength ability
    strength ability
  • strength of memory (mind, will)
    Gedächtnis- (Geistes-, Willens)stärke
    strength of memory (mind, will)
  • strength of judg(e)ment
    Urteilskraft, -vermögen
    strength of judg(e)ment
  • this goes beyond (or | oderod this is too much for) my strength
    das geht über meine Kraft
    this goes beyond (or | oderod this is too much for) my strength
  • masquer les exemplesmontrer plus d’exemples
  • Stärkefeminine | Femininum f (besondere Veranlagung)
    strength strong point
    strength strong point
  • this is not his strength
    das ist nicht seine Stärke
    this is not his strength
  • his strength is in endurance
    seine Stärke ist Ausdauer
    his strength is in endurance
  • Machtfeminine | Femininum f
    strength power, might
    Gewaltfeminine | Femininum f
    strength power, might
    strength power, might
  • (Kopf-, Personal-, Truppen)Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength especially | besondersbesonders military term | Militär, militärischMIL size of armyet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    (An)Zahlfeminine | Femininum f
    strength especially | besondersbesonders military term | Militär, militärischMIL size of armyet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    strength especially | besondersbesonders military term | Militär, militärischMIL size of armyet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength military term | Militär, militärischMIL
    strength military term | Militär, militärischMIL
  • Heeres-, Truppen-, Schiffsmachtfeminine | Femininum f
    strength power of army, troops or ship military term | Militär, militärischMIL
    strength power of army, troops or ship military term | Militär, militärischMIL
  • Widerstandskraftfeminine | Femininum f
    strength power of resistance: of fortificationet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc military term | Militär, militärischMIL
    strength power of resistance: of fortificationet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc military term | Militär, militärischMIL
  • strength by land and by sea
    Stärke (einer Nation) zu Landand | und u. zur See
    strength by land and by sea
  • Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength especially | besondersbesonders physics | PhysikPHYS engineering | TechnikTECH of materialet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    Härtefeminine | Femininum f
    strength especially | besondersbesonders physics | PhysikPHYS engineering | TechnikTECH of materialet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    Festigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    strength especially | besondersbesonders physics | PhysikPHYS engineering | TechnikTECH of materialet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    Widerstandsfähigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    strength especially | besondersbesonders physics | PhysikPHYS engineering | TechnikTECH of materialet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
    strength especially | besondersbesonders physics | PhysikPHYS engineering | TechnikTECH of materialet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
  • (Überzeugungs-, Beweis)Kraftfeminine | Femininum f
    strength power to convince
    Eindringlichkeitfeminine | Femininum f (einer Behauptunget cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc)
    strength power to convince
    strength power to convince
  • the strength of a statement
    die Beweiskraft einer Aussage
    the strength of a statement
  • (up)on the strength of as a result of
    kraft (genitive (case) | Genitivgen)
    zufolge (genitive (case) | Genitivgen)
    auf (jemandes Ratet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc) hin
    (up)on the strength of as a result of
  • (up)on the strength of trusting in
    im Vertrauen auf (accusative (case) | Akkusativakk)
    (up)on the strength of trusting in
  • masquer les exemplesmontrer plus d’exemples
  • (Ausdrucks)Kraftfeminine | Femininum f
    strength power of expression
    strength power of expression
  • Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength chemistry | ChemieCHEM electrical engineering | Elektrotechnik und ElektrizitätELEK physics | PhysikPHYS effectiveness
    Wirkungskraftfeminine | Femininum f, -gradmasculine | Maskulinum m
    strength chemistry | ChemieCHEM electrical engineering | Elektrotechnik und ElektrizitätELEK physics | PhysikPHYS effectiveness
    strength chemistry | ChemieCHEM electrical engineering | Elektrotechnik und ElektrizitätELEK physics | PhysikPHYS effectiveness
  • strength of electric current electrical engineering | Elektrotechnik und ElektrizitätELEK
    strength of electric current electrical engineering | Elektrotechnik und ElektrizitätELEK
  • strength of field physics | PhysikPHYS
    strength of field physics | PhysikPHYS
  • strength of an acid chemistry | ChemieCHEM
    Stärke einer Säure
    strength of an acid chemistry | ChemieCHEM
  • Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength of alcoholic drink
    Gehaltmasculine | Maskulinum m
    strength of alcoholic drink
    strength of alcoholic drink
  • Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength of colours, sense perceptions, noises
    Intensitätfeminine | Femininum f
    strength of colours, sense perceptions, noises
    strength of colours, sense perceptions, noises
  • Stärkefeminine | Femininum f
    strength source of strength figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    Kraft(quelle)feminine | Femininum f
    strength source of strength figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
    strength source of strength figurative(ly) | figurativ, in übertragenem Sinnfig
  • God is our strength bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
    Gott ist unsere Stärke
    God is our strength bible, biblical bible, biblical | Bibel, biblisch Bibel, biblischBIBEL
  • patience is his strength
    patience is his strength
  • Festigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    strength stock exchange:, of market
    strength stock exchange:, of market
  • stetiges Ansteigen
    strength stock exchange:, constant rise: in prices
    strength stock exchange:, constant rise: in prices
  • Stabilitätfeminine | Femininum f
    strength of currency
    strength of currency
  • strength syn vgl. → voir „power
    strength syn vgl. → voir „power
transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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noun | Substantiv s

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  • Kompressefeminine | Femininum f
    compress medicine | MedizinMED
    Umschlagmasculine | Maskulinum m
    compress medicine | MedizinMED
    compress medicine | MedizinMED
  • Baumwollpressefeminine | Femininum f
    compress machine for cotton
    compress machine for cotton
adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • zusammendrückbar
[kəmpresəˈbiliti; -əti]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Zusammendrückbarkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    compressibility aviation | LuftfahrtFLUG physics | PhysikPHYS
    Kompressionsfähigkeitfeminine | Femininum f
    compressibility aviation | LuftfahrtFLUG physics | PhysikPHYS
    compressibility aviation | LuftfahrtFLUG physics | PhysikPHYS
transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t

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  • überfordern, zu hohe Anforderungen stellen an (accusative (case) | Akkusativakk)
    overtax place too high demands on
    overtax place too high demands on
adjective | Adjektiv adj

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  • zwischen (dünnen) Schichten (eingeschlossen)
    interlaminar engineering | TechnikTECH
    interlaminar engineering | TechnikTECH
  • zwischen Laminae gelegen
    interlaminar medicine | MedizinMED
    interlaminar medicine | MedizinMED