Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "caught"

"caught" - traduction Allemand

[kɔːt] <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprätand | und u.past participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf>

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  • caught → voir „catch
    caught → voir „catch
caught in the act
auf frischer Tat ertappt
caught in the act
my fingers were caught in the door
ich hatte mir die Finger in der Tür eingeklemmt
my fingers were caught in the door
to be caught with the general enthusiasm
von der allgemeinen Begeisterung erfasst werden
to be caught with the general enthusiasm
we were caught in a storm
wir wurden von einem Unwetter überrascht
we were caught in a storm
to be caught in the crossfire
to be caught in the crossfire
the blow caught him on the chin
der Schlag traf ihn am Kinn
the blow caught him on the chin
to be caught in the cross fire
to be caught in the cross fire
to be caught unprepared
to be caught unprepared
to be caught (or | oderod taken) short
dringend mal (verschwinden) müssen
to be caught (or | oderod taken) short
he ran off, and, what was most surprising, caught his train
er rannte fort und, was (uns) am meisten überraschte, erreichte seinen Zug
he ran off, and, what was most surprising, caught his train
caught from life
dem Leben abgelauscht, lebenswahr
caught from life
her dress caught in the door
sie blieb mit ihrem Kleid in der Tür hängen
her dress caught in the door
I caught him flirting with my wife
ich habe ihn (dabei) erwischt, wie er mit meiner Frau flirtete
I caught him flirting with my wife
to be caught in a quagmire
in der Patsche sitzenor | oder od steckenor | oder od sein
to be caught in a quagmire
he was caught with his trousers down
es hatte ihn kalt erwischt
he was caught with his trousers down
the pond was caught over
der Teich war zugefroren
the pond was caught over
to be caught up insomething | etwas sth
insomething | etwas etwas (accusative (case) | Akkusativakk) verwickelt sein
to be caught up insomething | etwas sth
to be caught in the meshes of the law
in die Schlingen des Gesetzes verstrickt sein
to be caught in the meshes of the law
Lassen Sie mich einen zweiten Punkt ansprechen, der mir im Rat vom Dezember aufgefallen ist.
Let me address a second point that caught my attention at the December Council meeting.
Source: Europarl
Joe gefiel die Idee, und er sagte, er wolle es auch lernen.
Joe caught at the idea and said he would like to try, too.
Source: Books
Beim Hinausgehen erblickte er im Spiegel ihr blasses Gesicht mit den zitternden Lippen.
As he was going out he caught sight in a looking-glass of her pale face and trembling lips.
Source: Books
In vielen europäischen Ländern ist dieses Thema in den Blickpunkt der Öffentlichkeit gerückt.
It is an issue that has caught the public imagination in many of our countries.
Source: Europarl
Papa wird dafür sorgen, dass er geschnappt wird.
Daddy will work on making sure he is caught.
Source: GlobalVoices

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