[kʌp]noun | Substantiv sVue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions
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- Tassefeminine | Femininum fcup with handlecup with handle
- Schalefeminine | Femininum fcup of stem glasscup of stem glass
- Schalefeminine | Femininum fcup contents of cupBechermasculine | Maskulinum mcup contents of cupTasse(voll)feminine | Femininum fcup contents of cupcup contents of cup
- Cupmasculine | Maskulinum mcup sports | SportSPORTPokalmasculine | Maskulinum mcup sports | SportSPORTSiegespreismasculine | Maskulinum mcup sports | SportSPORTcup sports | SportSPORT
- alkoholisches Mischgetränk, Bowlefeminine | Femininum fcup punch, fruit cupet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etccup punch, fruit cupet cetera, and so on | etc., und so weiter etc
- Abendmahlskelchmasculine | Maskulinum mcup religion | ReligionREL communion gobletcup religion | ReligionREL communion goblet
- Abendmahlsweinmasculine | Maskulinum mcup religion | ReligionREL communion winecup religion | ReligionREL communion wine
- Schicksalneuter | Neutrum ncup fate(Leidens- Freuden)Kelchmasculine | Maskulinum mcup fateLosneuter | Neutrum ncup fatecup fate
- Zechenneuter | Neutrum ncup drinking obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs <plural | Pluralpl>Trinkenneuter | Neutrum ncup drinking obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs <plural | Pluralpl>cup drinking obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs <plural | Pluralpl>
- Zechgelageneuter | Neutrum ncup booze-up obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs <plural | Pluralpl>cup booze-up obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs <plural | Pluralpl>
- (Be)Trunkenheitfeminine | Femininum fcup drunkenness obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs <plural | Pluralpl>cup drunkenness obsolete | obsolet, begrifflich veraltetobs <plural | Pluralpl>
- schalen- becher- kelchförmiger Gegenstandcup cup-shaped objectcup cup-shaped object
- Cupulafeminine | Femininum fcup botany | BotanikBOTBlüten-, Fruchtbechermasculine | Maskulinum mcup botany | BotanikBOT(Blumen)Kelchmasculine | Maskulinum mcup botany | BotanikBOTcup botany | BotanikBOT
- Kelchmasculine | Maskulinum mcup zoology | ZoologieZOOLcup zoology | ZoologieZOOL
- Metallfütterungfeminine | Femininum f des Lochescup in golf:, of holecup in golf:, of hole
- Lochneuter | Neutrum ncup in golf:, holecup in golf:, hole
- Eindellungfeminine | Femininum fcup rare | seltenselten (dent)Vertiefungfeminine | Femininum fcup rare | seltenselten (dent)cup rare | seltenselten (dent)
- (Tal)Muldefeminine | Femininum fcup geology | GeologieGEOL in landscapePfannefeminine | Femininum fcup geology | GeologieGEOL in landscapecup geology | GeologieGEOL in landscape
- grease cup engineering | TechnikTECHSchmierbüchsefeminine | Femininum fÖlermasculine | Maskulinum m
- Hütchenneuter | Neutrum ncup military term | Militär, militärischMIL detonating capcup military term | Militär, militärischMIL detonating cap
[kʌp]transitive verb | transitives Verb v/t <preterite, (simple) past tense | Präteritum, Vergangenheitprätpast participle | Partizip Perfekt pperf cupped>Vue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions
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- becherförmig machencup make into cup shapecup make into cup shape
- (mit einem Becher) schöpfencup rare | seltenselten (scoop up)cup rare | seltenselten (scoop up)
- legencup rare | seltenselten (place into hollow)cup rare | seltenselten (place into hollow)
- schröpfencup medicine | MedizinMED history | GeschichteHIST bleedcup medicine | MedizinMED history | GeschichteHIST bleed
- ein-, austiefencup engineering | TechnikTECH curvecup engineering | TechnikTECH curve
[kʌp]intransitive verb | intransitives Verb v/iVue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions
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- becher- kelchförmig werdencup become cup-shapedcup become cup-shaped
- schröpfencup medicine | MedizinMED history | GeschichteHIST bleedcup medicine | MedizinMED history | GeschichteHIST bleed
- geschröpft werdencup medicine | MedizinMED history | GeschichteHIST be bledcup medicine | MedizinMED history | GeschichteHIST be bled