Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "leaving"

"leaving" - traduction Allemand

[ˈliːviŋ]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Überbleibselplural | Plural pl
    leaving leftovers <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>
    Resteplural | Plural pl
    leaving leftovers <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>
    leaving leftovers <usually | meistmeistplural | Plural pl>
  • Abfallmasculine | Maskulinum m
    leaving refuse <plural | Pluralpl>
    leaving refuse <plural | Pluralpl>
to take the liberty of leaving
sich die Freiheit nehmenor | oder od sich erlauben zu gehen
to take the liberty of leaving
oblige me by leaving the room!
oblige me by leaving the room!
leaving home was a great wrench
der Abschied von zu Hause war schmerzlich
leaving home was a great wrench
I’m leaving, unless you apologize
wenn du dich nicht entschuldigst, gehe ich
I’m leaving, unless you apologize
on condition of his leaving
unter der Bedingung, dass er abreist
on condition of his leaving
he died, leaving her the works
er starband | und u. hinterließ ihr die ganze Chose
he died, leaving her the works
at midnight they were still showing no signs of leaving
um Mitternacht machten sie noch immer keine Anstalten zu gehen
at midnight they were still showing no signs of leaving
just as I was leaving
gerade als ich ging
just as I was leaving
Dutzende ecuadorianische Kinder verlassen ihr Land in Richtung Vereinigte Staaten.
Ecuadorian children are leaving the country by the dozen, bound for the United States.
Source: GlobalVoices
Unternehmen und damit Arbeitsplätze wandern aus Europa ab.
Undertakings, and with them jobs, are leaving Europe.
Source: Europarl
Ça se fait. 1 Also Sie reisen am Freitag?
So you are leaving on Friday?
Source: Books
Das bedeutet, dass wir den Marktkräften diesen Steuerbereich überlassen.
This means that we shall be leaving this area of taxation to market forces.
Source: Europarl
Ihre Eltern starben früh und hinterließen sie völlig alleine, ohne Geschwister oder Verwandte.
Her parents died early, leaving her completely alone, with no siblings or relatives.
Source: GlobalVoices
Sie erreicht viele Gebiete überhaupt nicht.
It is scattered, sporadic and uncoordinated, leaving many areas uncovered.
Source: News-Commentary

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