Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "reduced"

"reduced" - traduction Allemand

adjective | Adjektiv adj

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(Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur/touchez la traduction)

  • reduziert
  • heruntergesetzt Waren
  • beschränkt Verhältnisse
in reduced circumstances
in reduced circumstances
to be reduced to extremities
in größter Not sein
to be reduced to extremities
reduced (or | oderod short) price
ermäßigter Preis
reduced (or | oderod short) price
they may be reduced to 3
sie können auf 3 reduziert werden
they may be reduced to 3
reduced from 5 pounds
reduced from 5 pounds
to sell at reduced prices
zu herabgesetzten Preisen verkaufen
to sell at reduced prices
to live in reduced circumstances
in beschränkten Verhältnissen leben
to live in reduced circumstances
he was reduced to sell (or | oderod selling) his house
he was reduced to sell (or | oderod selling) his house
reduced to a skeleton
reduced to a skeleton
at a reduced fare
zu ermäßigtem Fahrpreis
at a reduced fare
reduced to great straits
in Schwierigkeiten
reduced to great straits
reduced to tears
zu Tränen gerührt
reduced to tears
to be reduced to a pulp
to be reduced to a pulp
in a reduced state
in a reduced state
Die Zahl der Nachtflüge muß daher stark eingeschränkt werden.
The number of night flights should therefore be significantly reduced.
Source: Europarl
In diesem Szenario verlangsamt sich das Innovationstempo tatsächlich.
In this scenario, the pace of innovation is actually reduced.
Source: News-Commentary
Die politische Stagnation Ägyptens hat den regionalen Einfluss des Landes reduziert.
Egypt s political stagnation ’ has reduced its regional influence.
Source: News-Commentary
Die Zeit, die für die Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten aufgewendet wird, hat sich deutlich verringert.
The time devoted to preparing meals has been reduced considerably.
Source: Europarl
Somit werden die Ausgaben der Zentralregierung verringert.
Therefore central government expenditure is reduced.
Source: Europarl
Ebenso werden Guyanas Schulden um über 8% des BIP verringert.
Similarly, Guyana will have its debt reduced by more than 8% of GDP.
Source: News-Commentary
Dies hat zu einer dramatischen Reduktion der Kreditkosten für die italienische Regierung geführt.
This has dramatically reduced the cost of borrowing for the Italian government.
Source: News-Commentary

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