transitives Verb | transitive verb v/t <kein ge-; h>Vue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions
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to reimburse for his expenses... the owner was compensated with an appropriate sum of money... the prosperity of his later years compensated him for the privations of his youth... the beauty of the landscape compensated us for the discomforts of the journey... he has more than made up for the hard times...
- jemanden (für etwas) entschädigento compensate ( recompense, indemnify)jemand | somebody sb (foretwas | something sth)
- jemanden (für etwas) entschädigen bezahlento remunerate ( pay)jemand | somebody sb (foretwas | something sth)
- jemanden (für etwas) entschädigen jemandem etwas erstattento reimburse ( repay)jemand | somebody sb (foretwas | something sth)
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Neutrum | neuter n <Entschädigens>Vue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions
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- Entschädigen → voir „Entschädigung“Entschädigen → voir „Entschädigung“