„unfallfrei“: Adjektiv unfallfreiAdjektiv | adjective adj Vue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions (Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur/touchez la traduction) thirty years of accident-free driving driver who has never been involved in an accident exemples unfallfreier Fahrer driver who has never been involved in an accident unfallfreier Fahrer 30-jähriges unfallfreies Fahren thirty years of accident-free driving 30-jähriges unfallfreies Fahren „unfallfrei“: Adverb unfallfreiAdverb | adverb adv Vue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions (Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur/touchez la traduction) to drive without ever being involved in an accident exemples unfallfrei fahren to drive without ever being involved in an accident unfallfrei fahren