Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "carefully"

"carefully" - traduction Allemand

adverb | Adverb adv

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  • vorsichtig
    carefully with caution
    carefully with caution
  • sorgfältig
    carefully thoroughly
    carefully thoroughly
the plan was kept carefully under wraps
the plan was kept carefully under wraps
think carefully before acting!
überlege sorgfältig, bevor du handelst!
think carefully before acting!
to tread carefully
to tread carefully
to tread carefully
to tread carefully
I want you to listen carefully
ich möchte, dass ihr genau zuhört
I want you to listen carefully
Also, ihr Deutschen und anderen, hört ihr diesen Stimmen gut zu?
So, Germans and others, are you listening carefully to these voices?
Source: News-Commentary
Wir haben dies genau geprüft.
We have examined this carefully.
Source: Europarl
Tom holte ein Papier hervor und rollte es sorgfältig auf.
Tom got out a bit of paper and carefully unrolled it.
Source: Books
Er war eben dabei, die Zeichnung vorsichtig zu beenden, als ihm die Besuchskarten überbracht wurden.
He was carefully finishing the drawing when the cards were brought to him.
Source: Books
Vielen Dank, Herr Ribeiro wir werden Ihren Hinweis genauestens überprüfen.
Thank you, Mr Ribeiro, we shall look into your statement very carefully.
Source: Europarl
Alternative Ansätze werden getestet und müssen sorgfältig überprüft werden.
Alternative approaches are being tested and must be carefully reviewed.
Source: News-Commentary

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