Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "belongings"

"belongings" - traduction Allemand

[bɪˈlɒŋɪŋz]plural | Plural pl

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  • Sachenplural | Plural pl
    Besitzmasculine | Maskulinum m
he stuffed his belongings into a small bag
er stopfte seine Habseligkeiten in eine kleine Tasche
he stuffed his belongings into a small bag
Sie bat ihn, seine sieben Sachen zu nehmen und zu gehen.
She asked him to leave and take all his belongings.
Source: Tatoeba
Er hat alles verloren, was er besaß.
He lost all his belongings.
Source: Tatoeba
Er verlor all seine Habe.
He lost all his belongings.
Source: Tatoeba
Aber sie hatten keine Zeit, um ihr Hab und Gut in Sicherheit zu bringen.
But they had not had any time to evacuate any belongings.
Source: TED
Sie nehmen ihr Hab und Gut mit sich.
They are taking their belongings with them
Source: GlobalVoices
In Nigeria tragen die Menschen ihren wertvollsten Besitz auf dem Kopf.
In Nigeria, people carry their most precious belongings on their heads.
Source: TED

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