Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "geometry"

"geometry" - traduction Allemand

[-tri]noun | Substantiv s

Vue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions

(Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur/touchez la traduction)

  • Geometriefeminine | Femininum f
    geometry mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH study of geometry
    geometry mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH study of geometry
  • Geometrie(buchneuter | Neutrum n)feminine | Femininum f
    geometry mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH book or treatise on geometry
    geometrische Abhandlung
    geometry mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH book or treatise on geometry
    geometry mathematics mathematics | Mathematik MathematikMATH book or treatise on geometry
analytic geometry
analytische Geometrie
analytic geometry
he really shone at geometry
in Geometrie war er glänzend
he really shone at geometry
co(-)ordinate geometry
analytische Geometrie
co(-)ordinate geometry
descriptive geometry
darstellende Geometrie
descriptive geometry
Aber es stimmt hoffnungsvoll, dass die Mathematik im Kern pure, schöne Geometrie ist.
But it's reassuring that at the heart of this mathematics is pure, beautiful geometry.
Source: TED
Hier sehen wir gerade die grobskalige Geometrie.
We're just seeing the coarse-scale geometry here.
Source: TED
Meine Schwäche war Algebra. Und ich durfte niemals Geometrie oder Trigonometrie belegen.
And where I was bad was algebra. And I was never allowed to take geometry or trig.
Source: TED
Geometrie, fantastisch, wissen Sie, Quantenmechanik-- das sind coole Sachen.
Geometry, fantastic. You know, quantum mechanics-- these are cool things.
Source: TED
Wir verwenden eine modifizierte Tintenstrahldrucker. Und wir drucken Geometrie.
We use a modified inkjet printer, and we print geometry.
Source: TED
Es geht darum, Geometrie und den Rhythmus der Form zu erkunden.
This is exploring geometry and the rhythm of shape.
Source: TED

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