Traduction Anglais-Allemand de "nanoscale"

"nanoscale" - traduction Allemand

[ˈnænəʊskeɪl]noun | Substantiv s

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  • Nanoskalafeminine | Femininum f
    nanoscale physics | PhysikPHYS
    nanoscale physics | PhysikPHYS
DNA, MacArthur grant, creativity, nanoscale, physics, science, technology
DNA, MacArthur grant, creativity, nanoscale, physics, science, technology
Source: TED
Die Natur zeigt uns also bereits wirklich bemerkenswerte Strukturen im Nanomaßstab.
So nature already gives us really exquisite structures on the nanoscale.
Source: TED
computers, education, future, nanoscale, prediction, science, technology
computers, education, future, nanoscale, prediction, science, technology
Source: TED
Das Besondere an der Arbeit im Nanobereich ist, dass Dinge ganz anders aussehen und anders agieren.
One of the things about working at the nanoscale is things look and act very differently.
Source: TED
Im Nanobereich ist Kohlenstoff aber transparent und flexibel.
Carbon at the nanoscale is actually transparent and flexible.
Source: TED

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