„hydropathist“: noun hydropathist [-ˈdr(ɒ)pəθist]noun | Substantiv s Vue d'ensemble de toutes les traductions (Pour plus d'informations, cliquez sur/touchez la traduction) Anhängerin der Wasserheilmethode Hydropathin, Hydrotherapeut, Wasserarzt Hydropath(in), Hydrotherapeut(in), Wasserarztmasculine | Maskulinum m, -ärztinfeminine | Femininum f hydropathist medicine | MedizinMED hydropathist medicine | MedizinMED Anhänger(in) der Wasserheilmethode hydropathist medicine | MedizinMED supporter of hydropathistic method hydropathist medicine | MedizinMED supporter of hydropathistic method